Digglum Bestiaruim ~ The Digglers' Crest

The Digglers

The Beginnings

The charity wished to extend the woodland at Diggle. Kath had a meeting with Sara and Joe from the Woodland Trust and they suggested a 'wet woodland' would be Ideal. After a meeting with Hannah Marshall from the Woodland Trust plans were drawn of the area intended. You can read the email sent from Hannah of the Woodland Trust here. See the Woodland Trust Site Feedback Report here.

Kath decided to separate the two woods Thorns Beck Wood and to call the new one The Lady Mary Memorial Wood. She had known Lady Mary, the daughter of the late Duke of Norfolk for many years. Lady Mary was sympathetic to our bursary scheme to assist second degree vets students with their tuition fees, in fact she became the charity's patron. Over the years Lady Mary and Kath had many telephone conversations and they even corresponded by letter. Lady Mary left a legacy in her will to the charity. Kath misses her friendship, therefore this wood will be dedicated to her memory. Kath has informed her family.

The Field

Here are some photos of the field to be used for The Lady Mary Memorial Wood. The two pictures below show the field after it has been mowed in preperation of it getting the trees ready to plant.
The Digglers' Lady Mary Memorial Wood The Digglers' Lady Mary Memorial Wood

Photo of the new fence and gate.
The Digglers' Lady Mary Memorial Wood

Tree Planting 27th - 28th Novemeber 2019

The during the tree planting
The Digglers' Lady Mary Memorial Wood The Digglers' Lady Mary Memorial Wood
The Digglers' Lady Mary Memorial Wood The Digglers' Lady Mary Memorial Wood

Lady Mary Memorial Wood

After the tree planting
The Digglers' Lady Mary Memorial Wood The Digglers' Lady Mary Memorial Wood
The Digglers' Lady Mary Memorial Wood

The Digglers' Lady Mary Memorial Wood Plaques The Digglers' Lady Mary Memorial Wood Plaques

Tree Order

Below is the list of trees and equipment being supplied to create The Lady Mary Memorial Wood.

  • W/T COMMON ALDER (A GLUTINOSA) 40-60: Quantity 125
  • W/T ASPEN (POPULUS TREMULA) 40-60: Quantity 75
  • W/T BIRD CHERRY (PRUNUS PADUS) 40-60: Quantity 50
  • W/T CRAB APPLE (MALUS SYLVESTRIS) 40-60: Quantity 25
  • W/T DOWNY BIRCH (BETULA PUBESCENS 40-60: Quantity 100
  • W/T FIELD MAPLE (A. CAMPESTRE) 40-60: Quantity 25
  • W/T GOAT WILLOW (SALIX CAPREA) 40-60: Quantity 150
  • W/T COMMON OAK (QUERCUS ROBUR) 40-60: Quantity 125
  • W/T ROWAN (SORBUS AUCUPARIA) 40-60: Quantity 75
  • W/T BLACKTHORN (PRUNUS SPINOSA) 40-60: Quantity 50
  • W/T DOG ROSE (ROSA CANINA) 40-60: Quantity 25
  • W/T HAWTHORN (CRATAEGUS MONOGYNA) 40-60: Quantity 100
  • W/T HAZEL (CORYLUS AVELLANA) 40-60: Quantity 75
  • STANDARD TREE SHELTER 0.75M 128785 75: Quantity 250
  • STANDARD TREE SHELTER 1.2M 128914 120: Quantity 750
  • STAKES 3FT (90CM) X 25MM 90: Quantity 250
  • STAKES 1.2M X 32MM FSC 120: Quantity 750
  • CARRIAGE - AM DELIVERY: Quantity 1


These two plaques are to be placed by the wood. The plaques will be blessed bya priest on Saturday 12th October 2019.
The Digglers' Lady Mary Memorial Wood Plaques The Digglers' Lady Mary Memorial Wood Plaques The Digglers' Lady Mary Memorial Wood Plaques

Newspaper Article

The tree planting was featured in the Saddleworth Independent December 2019 edition. To read the article click here.

Follow up article about the tree planting featured in the Saddleworth Independent January 2020 edition. To read the article click here.