Digglum Bestiaruim ~ The Digglers' Crest

The Digglers

  • 16/08/24 ~ Photo of Buster looking at the camera
    The Digglers
  • 13/08/24 ~ Sunday 14th July, I found Buster dead in the field. I was heartbroken as I had had Bustie from a lamb. Many years ago following a severe blizzard many sheep were stranded on the moors and many died in snowdrifts. The sheep farmers were using helicopters to drop hay. A few weeks later a ewe staggered down the road and she was very thin. I took her in and gave her lots of food. She was in lamb and I was told due to her condition the lamb would be either aborted or still born. Neither was the case and Buster was born. He was 14years old when he died. He was cremated and his ashes placed with his mum Bumbie along with some of their flecce.
    The Digglers The Digglers

  • 10/07/24 ~ Thursday 6th June 2024 a memorial luncheon was held at the Hartshead Inn to celebrate Joan's life. It was attended by trustees past and present.
    The Digglers

    Damian's Barrow
    The Digglers
  • 23/04/24 ~ I have managed to ascertain that Joan died on 26th October 2022 and her funeral was held on 15 November 2022 and her ashes were scattered in the memorial garden at Rochdale cemetery. The plans for the tree planting ceremony at Diggle are well under way. The chosen tree is a spruce surrounded by a wreath of different heathers. After the ceremony a luncheon will be held at The Hartshead Inn to celebrate Joan's life - a place she knew so well. Photos to follow.
  • 28/03/24 ~ Joan has left me(Kath) a monetary gift in her will, however, precious memories of our friendship are priceless, Thanks for those, Joan. The money left will be part of a much larger donation to the RNLI so we can have our names on a lifeboat! A lasting legacy that will help others.
  • 23/01/24 ~ A memorial/tree planting ceremony will take place for Joan at Diggle whereby, trustees past and present are invited to pay their respects and share memories.

    Date to be announced.
  • 22/01/24 ~ The trustees are deeply saddened to learn of the death of former trustee Joan Butterworth in 2022.

    Joan was a valued, respected and popular trustee and took the minutes at our AGM. and was also actively involved in establishing our conservation area at Diggle.

    Joan was a fantastic friend and soul mate for over fifty years and will be sadly missed.

    The Digglers
  • 18/08/22 ~ Monday 1st August I lost my beloved Simi (Simba) she was 23+years old!

    The Digglers' Cat ~ Simba The Cat

    I am now finding it increasingly difficult to cope up at Diggle with the work and I now need some backup. I shall advertise locally for volunteers in sheep husbandry and conservation and to be paid if needed as a backup.
  • 11/05/22 ~ While I was across I saw a squirrel munching on some nuts. We have a new helper.
    The Digglers
  • 07/04/22 ~ On Monday, Murgatroyd died and she went to Rossendale pet crem to be cremated and her ashes will come back. Her little lamb was taken by Dale the sheep farmer and put with all his other lambs. Dale is currently bottle feeding her and letting her bond with another lamb and they will both be coming back in about 3 weeks but will still need bottle feeding.
  • 28/03/22 ~ Yesterday, Mother's Day, I had a wonderful gift. Damian and I were walking down the drive at Diggle when I heard one of the sheep crying. It was Murgatroyd - Murgie, she was in Thornsbeck and I thought she was either injured or ill. Just as we got to the yard she came running with the rest of the sheep for the corn but she was not on her own she had a baby lamb! She came right up to me. her eyes were filled full of love and so proud of her lamb as she showed it to me. It was so wonderful and what a lovely gift on Mother's Day. I was in tears as I felt the richest person in the world. It was so beautiful. It seems Murgie jumped into the next field several months ago to join a flock of Suffolk sheep along with a Suffolk ram as it was tupping time. Murgie's lamb looks like a perfect Suffolk lamb! My numbers are now back to nine after losing Bumble. I hope this is not an annual ritual for Murgie!

    The Digglers' Sheep ~ Murgatroyd The Digglers' Sheep ~ Murgatroyd
    The Digglers' Sheep ~ Murgatroyd The Digglers' Sheep ~ Murgatroyd
    The Digglers' Sheep ~ Murgatroyd
  • 11/02/22 ~ Last week we lost Bumble. She had been with me for about 12 years. She came off the moors after a blizzard and many farmers did lose sheep. There were no markings on Bumble so we did not know which farmer she belonged too. She was in lamb and successfully had Buster. We took her to Rossendale Pet Crem and she was cremated and we get her ashes back tomorrow. Bumble was a treasure and quite a character and will be sadly missed.

  • The Digglers' Sheep ~ Bumble

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