Digglum Bestiaruim ~ The Digglers' Crest

The Digglers

Meeting held on 28/11/17


  • Kath Pearson
  • Michael Gourley
  • V McKeon
  • N Smalley
  • J Butterworth

Tribute to Lady Mary

Kath paid tribute to Lady Mary and her involvement with the bursaries since 1990's when under the auspices of Veterinary Vouchers. She contributed a substantial amount of money that went direct to the student's vet school via the charity. When The Digglers superseded Veterinary Vouchers, Lady Mary continued to offer financial support and became patron of the charity. On March 9th 2017, Kath received a letter from Lady Mary. This was just weeks before she died. Kath read this out. Norma reported on the memorial service in Dumfries in August that she and Kath attended. The Duke of Norfolk gave the eulogy. The Digglers was mentioned. Later Kath and Norma visited Lady Mary's estate.

Matters Arising:

A question from Val regarding the use of Diggle. This will be dealt with later in the agenda.


Val brought up the fact that payments for the web-master and cutting the field were missing from the accounts also £22 for animal welfare in 2016 was replaced by a far greater amount -£680 in2017. Kath explained that this was due to lack of funds until money was available due to gift aid and donations from Lady Mary.

Michael questioned as to whether there was a limit to annual turnover. Kath explained that a minimum threshold is not specified but only a turnover of £10,000 requires an accountant to be used.

Questions still remained as to why these two items did not appear and the accounts cannot be signed until is is resolved. Michael is going to contact the accountant. This has to be sorted and the accounts signed by the end of January. This matter has now been resolved and the accounts signed and returned to the accountant.

Residue from donation

Mr S White may be entitled to a refund on a donation of £10,000 made in September 2012 towards the fees of Lucy Merritt. Lucy has since qualified. When the amount paid to the university was subtracted the balance is £812 of which £203 may be required by HMRC to refund gift aid. The remaining residue in her account will be placed in the working account - £2,144.70. There has been no response from the Inland Revenue regarding the legality of refunding donations and gift aid.

Future of the bursaries:

A student, Chelsie Bailey has been sponsored by a company £3,000 for the next 4 years but we cannot claim gift aid. Michael is willing to continue running the bursaries but there is a problem regarding funding of that side of the charity. Kath is willing to take on the expense of the animal welfare section. Many students have over the years been helped by the bursaries, however, the running cost is over £400 a year – accountant, web-master payments and website – hosting and domain name which Kath is currently funding. 14/2/17 Kath purchased a new heating appliance at Diggle £745.20, apparently, this can be claimed as a gift to the charity and consequently qualifies for gift aid. However, there can be no guarantee that enough gift aid can be claimed to fund the running of the bursaries. It was decided that the bursaries would be funded via the £2,144,70 this year and the situation could be reviewed next year. Section 13 of the constitution states that any changes requires approval of the majority of trustees and notification in writing.

Update on Diggle:

The chairman Mike Brookes, Diggle Community Association was contacted by Kath. She proposed that Diggle could be used as a nature/conservation area for the community to use and enjoy. She hopes it would include the development of a pond and bog garden. The buildings to be used for meetings and art studio. The group have responded very positively and may take on some of the work themselves. Kath is hoping this will continue after her death. Mark may involve other conservation groups. In her will Kath has left the house and Diggle to the charity so neither would belong to the Diggle Community Association.

Any Other Business

Kath thanked those trustees who attended the National Pet Month event in Mossley.

Meeting closed.