Digglum Bestiaruim ~ The Digglers' Crest

The Digglers

The Road Traffic Accident Sheep

It was about six o'clock and on my way to The Digglers when just across from the gate, I spotted a lamb lying in the road.  It tried to get up but fell over.  It was obvious that it had been involved in a road traffic accident.  I picked it up and took it to the penthouse. It was bleeding from the nose and it's right front leg was handing down.  It was a male lamb. I made him comfortable and phoned the vet who came straight away.  The vet said it's leg was broken and he strapped it up.  We would have to see if he recovered from the head injury.  He was not too happy about the broken leg and thought there could be nerve damage and it was a question of wait and see.  I decided to call the lamb Clyde (mark 2)! However, my sense of humour has got the better of me and at the moment he is Tripod!!!!!

Tripod has settled in with George who is very protective.  I'm sure he thinks he is his great granddad!!!   Tripod has been weaned and also castrated and as he will be a Diggler, I am hoping he does not get into mischief like the first Clyde! So at the moment it is wait and see but I will keep you informed.

Gone but memory lingers on

It is with great regret and sadness that I have to record the untimely death of Clyde 2 whom I had also christened Tripod. Wednesday 18/08/10 the vet arrived to remove the strapping on his broken leg. Unfortunately, due to nerve damage, part of the leg had wasted and consequently needed an amputation. The following day I arrange to take Tripod to the surgery for the operation, however, he did not survive the anaesthetic. Although he was only with me for five weeks a bond developed between us and he will be sadly missed. He has been cremated at Rossendale and I now have his ashes buried in the memory garden. His memory will certainly live on as he is featured in the DVD. A lovely little character, another snowflake in my hand. Thanks Tripod for enriching my life.