Kath Pearson : Michael Gourley : Norma Smalley : Val McKeon : Kath Birch
Joan Butterworth : Rachel Bean : Catherine Unsworth
Thornsbeck Wood – Future internment of pets ashes deferred to be discussed when the wood becomes more established.
Peppercorn Rent – Raised by charity commissioners is still in abeyance and will be discussed if necessary in the future.
New Charter Housing Trust – The scheme to allow employees to do voluntary work 2 days per annum has now ceased.
The accounts were prepared by Sue Haygarth and have been approved by the trustees and will be placed on the website.
Issues raised regarding registration of the charity with the Inland Revenue by the accountant – this is still an ongoing issue and hopefully will be resolved shortly as we have a considerable amount of money to be submitted for gift aid.
The annual projection for the running of the charity appears to be approximately £10,000.
Scott McKenzie has expressed a wish to continue fund raising for the charity – this has been gratefully accepted by the trustees. It was suggested that Scott be co-opted to join the Bursary Committee.
A considerable amount of funds are liable for gift aid which would give a running total of £5903.75 which would be used for the running of the charity. Following discussion the recent cheque from Lady Mumford will be deposited into the charity running account.
Congratulations were expressed to our 3 final year students who passed the final exams. One achieved a distinction. Currently we now have 8 students all of which are in their first year.
It was agreed that any extra money from gift aid or any other source would only be distributed to students after completing their first year's course. This to be placed on the website for students to be aware of this rule.
Michael informed trustees that he had contacted the Royal College, Vet Schools and other appropriate sources to make them aware of our existence and how we can help secondary degree students.
Problems arose regarding a student not conforming to rules concerning applying for sponsorship from individuals and companies. This has now been resolved.
Applications have been received from British students who are studying for the veterinary degrees at universities in other countries. Unfortunately we have declined to help these students due to administrative problems. This information will be placed on the website.
A vote of thanks was extended to Lady Mary Mumford for her continued patronage and kind donations.
Feedback regarding Thornsbeck Wood indicate that all trees are flourishing – an oak tree was designated as the Jubilee Tree for the Queen.
Unfortunately several animals have passed away during this year – Lewis the rabbit, Sammy P the cat and two sheep – Twinie and Bluebell.
It was discussed to increase the number of cats and suggested that 2 cats that had bonded would be ideal candidates. The RSPCA will contact when 2 are available that cannot be re-homed.
A vote of thanks was expressed to Ruth Price regarding her continued input to the excellent Digglers website.
Due to increasing workload and extension of the charity's activities, help on a part-time basis could possibly required in the future. However, funding could be a problem, therefore ways in which to secure extra funding is sought. Michael however offered to take over the Bursary side of the charity.
Kath P is currently sponsoring the training of "Sparkle" a puppy for the guide dogs. The training will take approximately 2 years but Kath, although paying for the sponsorship, wants it done under the name of the Digglers.
Kath P thanked everyone for their continued support.
Meeting Closed